Nature Happenings
Look for Pine Siskin and Purple Finches at your feeders.
Look for our three over-wintering warblers – the Pine, Orange-crowned and Yellow-rumped.
Eastern Box Turtles will spend the winter hibernating in a shallow burrow, often no deeper than a few inches.
During warm spells, some reptiles and amphibians can become active.
Now through late March is a difficult time for birds; providing food and an open source of water is important.
Prolonged freezes are really tough on wrens. Suet can be a lifesaver for them.
Coastal Louisiana hosts many wintering hummingbirds that need a reliable source of nectar.
During late January or early February, Great Horned Owls will be sitting on their eggs.
During the first or second week of January, the first returning Purple Martins will be seen along the coast.
Squirrel mating season.
Aldo Leopold's (Father of Wildlife Conservation) birthday Jan. 11
Quadrantid Meteor Shower early in the month. See up to 60 falling meteors per hour!